

quarta-feira, 5 de junho de 2013

A Fundação Dräger escolheu a Pousada de Cascais para realizar uma conferência sobre a Sustentabilidade dos Oceanos

A Fundação Dräger escolheu a Pousada de Cascais na Fortaleza da Cidadela Cascais para realizar uma conferência sobre a Sustentabilidade dos Oceanos, entre os dias 3 e 5 de Junho de 2013.

Durante três dias, temas como “O Estado dos Oceanos: oportunidades e desafios para um balanço económico e ecológico saudável”; “o que foi feito um ano depois de Rio+20, resultados da primeira e segunda conferência de sustentabilidade dos oceanos e o futuro dos oceanos”; “A gestão dos Oceanos no mundo”; os players mais importantes, o regulamento aplicável ou os desafios para a humanidade e para os países costeiros estiveram em debate.

Além dos mais prestigiados especialistas de todo o mundo, a conferência contou também com a presença do Principe Alberto do Mónaco, de David Milliband, ex-Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros do Reino Unido e o presidente da Câmara Municipal de Cascais, Carlos Carreiras.

English Version: 

EU-U.S. Conference Series: "Sustainable Oceans: Reconciling Economic Use and Protection"

3rd conference: 'Good Governance for Sustainable Marine Development'

Cascais (Lisbon), June 3 to 5, 2013

The Draeger Foundation will launch its 3rd conference on 'Sustainable Oceans: Reconciling Economic Use and Protection' in Cascais (near Lisbon), Portugal, from June 3 to 5, 2013. The conference is organized in cooperation with the Earth Institute at Columbia University, New York and the Kiel Excellence Cluster 'Future Ocean'.

The focus of the 2013 conference will be on good governance for sustainable marine development. We want to discuss the role of national governments, international organizations and agreements, science, business, and NGOs in securing a sound future for the oceans. Consequently, the following questions arise: How can the use of the oceans' resources be regulated? How to strike a balance between governance and regulatory overkill? How to introduce effective surveillance mechanisms (in open international areas as well as in coastal zones)? How to finance the protection of the seas?

This will once more bring together international high-level experts from the fields of politics, business and academia as well as from NGOs and international organizations to discuss these challenges in a comprehensive way and to identify practical solutions to facilitate future sustainable development.

One of the key objectives of the conference series is to help establish an independent European Ocean Alliance and to link it with the U.S. Joint Ocean Commission Initiative. We want to help build a comprehensive international architecture for sustainable marine development, and finally encourage a remedial action plan towards sustainable oceans to our governments.

The Dräger Foundation is honored to announce that H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco and the Rt. Hon. David Miliband, Member of the British Parliament and former British Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, will be taking part in its third conference on 'Sustainable Oceans: Reconciling Economic Use and Protection' which will take place in Cascais (near Lisbon), Portugal, from June 3 to 5, 2013.

Together with H.E. Anibal António Cavaco Silva, President of the Portuguese Republic,  H.S.H. Prince Albert II accepted the patronage of the conference in Cascais and will open this meeting of senior ocean experts on June 3. Greatly appreciating the Prince's longstanding commitment and dedication to maritime protection and sustainable development, the Dräger Foundation and its co-organizers are delighted to welcome His Serene Highness to the conference.

David Miliband, who also served as Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (2006-2007) in Tony Blair's cabinet, is the co-chair of the newly launched Global Ocean Commission. The Dräger Foundation feels very privileged that he accepted its invitation to speak at the conference. Mr. Miliband will give the dinner speech on June 4, sharing initial insights into the work, development and objectives of the Global Ocean Commission.  

'Reconciling Economic Use and Protection', Cascais, June 2013  

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